Author : TechnicalSupportTeam

Question: High resolution satellite images (300mb) are compressed to about 78mb by using geo tiff toolkit .Is there any possibility to compress these images even further using any other algorithms to be able to upload and download them to and from the net? Answer: The Black Ice TIFF SDK/ActiveX supports a variety of compression methods ..

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Question: I am using Document Imaging SDK and want to know how i go about generating .jpg file…. which are the methods i need to be using. I want to Scan the file and save that as a .jpg Answer: You can use the Black Ice Image and Document Imaging SDK/ActiveX toolkits to scan directly ..

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Adding an annotation pro grammatically is the same as adding an annotation with user interaction, the only difference is the positioning of the annotation, which is specific, either from user input or pro grammatically. You can check any of the included VB samples, or can take a look at the online annotation sample code: ..

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The Black Ice Imaging Toolkits can be used to create web based applications. The toolkits include a handful of sample applications which demonstrate basic functionality. In some cases, you must use special versions of the ActiveX control methods which have been created specifically for use with Javascript, since JavaScript does not support the use of ..

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Question: For one of my scanners, GetNameOfCapability always returns blank strings. Is this a TWAIN compatibility issue? Answer: The Black Ice Imaging Toolkits require a TWAIN compatible driver to be installed on the machine. We recommend checking with the manufacturer of the scanner to verify that the device is TWAIN compliant. You can also check ..

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By default when printing an image which contains annotations, the annotations themselves are not printed along with the image. In order to print the annotation objects, you must do the following: In the case of the BiAnno.dll. – You can draw the annotation object to the printer dc with AnnoUIOnPaint function. See the OnFilePrint function ..

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1. You can verify if there are annotation objects in the image with the AnnoLoadFromTIFF method. If this method returns FALSE, the image doesn’t contain annotation objects. 2. Before burning (after loading image and annotations) you have to set some annotation properties. If you don’t do that, the annotation object will not burn into the ..

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Question: Please suggest the right way to know scanner supports the ICAP_ORIENTATION capabilty or not. And how to set the scanner page orientation Answer: This is a sample code snippet for get/set the ICAP_ORIENTATION capability of the scanner. This code snippet is written in Visual Basic .NET 2005. Available values of the ICAP_ORIENTATION are: TWOR_ROT0 ..

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If one would like to get the number of pages in the TIFF file, one can use the 2 functions below: 1. GetNumberOfImagesInTiffFile: This function has only one parameter the path and filename of the TIFF file. 2. NumberOfTiffImages: This function uses the opened TIFF file. (You can open the file with OpenTiffFile function). For ..

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In order to retrieve the DPI of a TIFF image, One can use the GetTiffImageDPI function. One should use the GetTiffImageDPI function like this: LONG dwDPI; GetTiffImageDPI(hChain, nImage, &dwDPI); UINT wHorizontalDPI = LOWORD(dwDPI); UINT wVerticalDPI = HIWORD(dwDPI); The nImage parameter is the index of the page in the TIFF file. One can check the using ..

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