Entry point not found warning message, when trying to rebuild MSI Installation samples from the RTK

  Printer Drivers

Entry point not found warning message, when trying to rebuild MSI Installation samples from the RTK, for example:
Entry point ‘StartUninstallMSI_ColorPlusNT’ not found in module ‘C:\Program Files\Black Ice Software LLC\RTK for ColorPlus Printer Driver\RTK 64 bit\Install\Driver Files\BuARmvNT.dll’ for custom action ‘BuARmvNT.dll’.

One must use the prebuilt Install and Uninstall DLL from <RTK Installation folder>\<RTK 32 or 64-bit>\Install\Driver Files.

In order to properly build the Install or Uninstall DLL, open the Install or Uninstall DLL solution file, select the property shown on the screen capture below, and rebuild the solution.
For 64-bit MSI Install samples, one should use the NT Debug x64 or NT Release x64 options. For 32-bit MSI Install samples, use the NT Debug or NT Release option.
The build platform must be set to Win32, even when building the solution for the 64 bit install sample.

For 64-bit MSI Install samples, use the NT Debug x64 or NT Release x64 options. For 32-bit MSI Install samples, use the NT Debug or NT Release options.

Developer Support Team