Under the Administrator tab, one can configure the available Printer Manager and Printing Preferences tabs for every user on the computer, the Event Viewer Logging, the Debug Logging, Save settings for every user, and export the Printer Driver configuration.
NOTE: To access the Administrator tab requires administrative privileges. Please run the Black Ice Printer Manager as an administrator.

Configure Printer Manager and Printing Preferences tabs
Under the Configure the Printer Manager and Printing Preferences Tabs section on the Administrator tab, one can configure the available Printer Manager and Printing Preferences tabs for every user on the computer.
Configure Printer Manager Tabs
To deny access to specific Printer Manager tabs on the computer for every user, please navigate to the Administrator tab and click on the Configure Printer Manager Tabs button.
The following window appears where one can configure Printer Manager tabs. The unchecked tabs will not be available in the Printer Manager for users on the computer.
NOTE: The General tab cannot be unchecked.

Press OK to finish configuring.
Configure Printing Preferences Tabs
To deny access to specific Printing Preferences tabs on the computer for every user, please navigate to the Administrator tab and click on the Configure Printing Preferences Tabs button.
The following window appears where one can configure Printing Preferences tabs. The unchecked tabs will not be available in the Printing Preferences for users on the computer.
NOTE: The Device Settings tab cannot be unchecked.

Press OK to finish configuring. Please click on the Save Configuration button in Printer Manager to save changes for every user.
Event Viewer Logging Configuration
In order to change the Event Viewer Logging settings for all users, select the appropriate option from the dropdown list, and press Apply. When the Event Logging feature is turned on, the Printer Driver writes the occuring events into the Windows Event Viewer. For more information, please refer to the following link.
Debug Logging Configuration
In order to enable debug logging, for All Users, check the Enable Debug Logging option, and browse a file location where to generate the EDF log file.
EDF log file contains the input source data of each print job that the Black Ice Printer Driver receives from the operating system. EDF log files are can be used to determine and troubleshoot the occurring issues on the printed documents. Once the EDF file has been generated, send the file to our technical support team to techsupport@blackice.com email address with the description of your printing problem.
NOTE: Environment variables can also be used to specify the directory.
Save the Administrator’s current settings for the Black Ice printer for every user
Administrators can save their current settings for every user by clicking on the Save configuration button.
The Printer Manager will create a log file in the Printer Manager’s installation folder (by default: c:\Program Files\Black Ice Software LLC\Black Ice Printer Manager\PrinterManager.log) that contains the list of users whose settings were updated, or any errors that happen during the process.
Export Current Printer Driver Configuration
Administrators can export their current Printer Driver configuration to be used with MSI installation, by clicking on the Export Current Printer Driver Configuration button.
The exported .ini file can be used for installing the Printer Driver with the MSI installer and to configure Users with Roaming Profiles. To read more, please refer to the Configure Roaming Domain Users through Group Policy section of the manual.
To read more about MSI installation, please see the Printer Driver MSI installation Guide. For MSI installer availability, please contact sales@blackice.com.
Document Converter Configuration Manager
By using the Document Converter Configuration Manager, the Administrators can configure every aspect of the Printing Preferences, Disable any Tab(s) on the user interface or setup conversion profiles for any user(s) or user group(s) on Windows Server, in the Active Directory environment or on Citrix systems. With the DCCM, the administrator can create custom configuration or lock down the user interface for individual user(s), without logging into their system and manually configure the system.
NOTE: Document Converter Configuration Manager only available in the Server version of Black Ice Printer Drivers.