Black Ice Software - Try the IceViewer HTML5 Viewer!
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Black Ice Software
Try the IceViewer HTML5 Viewer!
10% discount for IceViewer Coupon code: gEMArt6 Download now!

Have you ever considered migrating your Document Imaging application to the web?
If Yes, then look no further than the IceViewer!

The Black Ice IceViewer is an HTML5-based document viewing and editing engine that relies on the powerful Document Imaging SDK libraries. The IceViewer is designed to let developers easily build their own document-viewing web server-based application with zero footprints on the client or to integrate the IceViewer into existing applications and utilize the power of the Document Imaging SDK libraries on the web.

The IceViewer relies on Content-Engines to access documents from your existing storage or document management system. The IceViewer can be configured with multiple Content-Engines, with every engine serving a type of storage or document management system, providing endless possibilities for Developers to connect with any document management system, no matter how customized it is.

The IceViewer Content Engine also includes Event handling. The Events allow Developers and System Administrators to customize the user interface and subscribe to a set of events for audit purposes, such as seeing if a document was accessed or modified. The Content Engine can issue Events when a document is Accessed, Saved, Printed, Downloaded, Uploaded, or Deleted.

Why should you use the IceViewer?

  • View, Edit, Annotate, Redact, and OCR using the Document Imaging SDK
  • A large set of Annotation Types from the Document Imaging SDK
  • Content-Engines to access documents from anywhere
  • JavaScript API to allow developers to create a custom User Interface
  • RESTful server-side API to control the document processing
  • Event handling with custom Events.
  • Easy integration and document opening by using URL parameters
  • Rotate, Deskew, and Cleanup documents
  • HTML5 Web Scanning capability
  • HTML5 Zero-footprint Viewer. No client installation.
  • Supports TIFF, PDF, FAX, PNG, BMP, JPG, and other documents
  • HIPAA compliant
  • Access from desktop computers, tablets, or smartphones, all you need is a supported web browser
  • Built-in Administrative panel for site owners

The complete list of improvements in the latest IceViewer includes the following:

DATE : 12-23-2022
Version : 1.65 (revision 290)

  • New Feature to change the built-in Administrator password in the Admin Panel (#16064)
  • Security improvements to encrypt the built-in Administrator password (#16064)
  • Stability improvements for displaying more detailed error messages in case of an Internal Server Error (#15999)

DATE : 12-14-2022
Version : 1.60 (revision 286)

  • New Feature for Administrators to hide the First Time Welcome Tutorial for users (#16030)
  • Changed the IceViewer to use the built-in simplified authentication method when accessing the Admin Panel (##16065)
  • Stability improvements for creating the IceViewer Website, when the provided port number is already used (#16047)
  • Stability improvements for creating Self-Signed Certificate for the IceViewer Website during the installation (#16048)
  • Stability improvements for saving JPEG images with TIF file extension (#15852)
  • Added the IceViewer items to the Windows Start menu (#15541)
  • Minor user interface improvement for the IceViewer installer (#15774, #11988)

DATE : 10-21-2022
Version : 1.57 (revision 282)

  • Minor user interface improvements when the IceViewer is embedded in a Web Application (#15863, #15862)

DATE : 10-13-2022
Version : 1.56 (revision 280)

  • Added new feature for Administrators to disable creating, modifying, deleting annotations for users (#15817)

Free Upgrades and Priority Support

Do not forget to subscribe to future releases by purchasing maintenance. With an active maintenance subscription, you will receive all new releases for free! Priority email technical support is also included in your subscription. For more information, call us at +1 (561)-757-4107 Extension 3, or

As a special offer, if your maintenance subscription has expired or you did not include the maintenance subscription in your original purchase, simply refer to this newsletter to renew or add maintenance retroactively!

For license information, please visit our Customer License Management Portal.

*Only valid for new purchases, no upgrades or add-ons. This offer cannot be combined with any other discounts. Phone: 1.561.757.4107

Black Ice Software, LLC | 950 Peninsula Corp Circle Suite 2017, Boca Raton, FL 33487 USA Telephone: 1(561)-757-4107