April Developer Newsletter
(Median Filter Continued From Page 1)

You can specify the value of the N as a parameter in the new barcode functions. You can also display a progress bar during filtering the image for the user.


About new BiBrP417.dll barcode functions.


The new barcode functions work for only monochrome (black and white), 8 bit per pixel and 24 bit per pixel images. The names of the new functions in BiBrP417.dll are: ReadPDF417BarcodeRemoveNoise, ReadAllPDF417BarcodesRemoveNoise and PDF417RemoveNoise.




This function uses the median filter on the image and then reads and decodes a PDF-417 Barcode with any orientation in the given range of the input image and returns the decoded string.




This function uses the median filter on the image and then reads and decodes any of the barcodes on the image.




This function uses the median filter on the image and returns the newly created DIB.


Example of using new functions in C++


int ErrCode, FilterSize, QuietZoneSize, N, BarCodeNum = 0;


// The function displays progress bar during filtering

HANDLE hRet = ReadAllPDF417BarcodesRemoveNoise(pDoc->hDib, N, DISPLAY_PROGRESS, AfxGetMainWnd()->m_hWnd, NULL, FilterSize, QuietZoneSize, &BarCodeNum, &ErrCode);


About new BiBrP417.ocx barcode methods.


The names of the new barcode methods are ReadPDF417BarcodeRemoveNoise and ReadAllPDF417BarRemoveNoise.




This method uses the median filter on the image and then reads and decodes a PDF-417 Barcode with any orientation in the given range of the input image and returns the decoded string.




This method uses the median filter on the image and then reads and decodes all the barcodes on the image.


Example of using new methods in VB.NET


Dim hDib As Long

Dim ret As Long

Dim BarcodeNum As Integer

Dim N As Short


‘ 1: show progress bar during filtering

ret = view.BiBrP417.ReadAllPDF417BarRemoveNoise(hDib, N, 1, Handle.ToInt32())


BarcodeNum = view.BiBrP417.GetBarcodeNum()


(Print2FTP Continued From Page 1)


You can specify the name of the server, the login name, the password, the TCP/IP port and the destination directory. If you specify only the server and the destination directory, the application uses anonymous login with no password, and the default TCP/IP port. The server name and the destination directory are required fields.


If the printer driver starts Print2FTP, a pop-up window is displayed. This window shows the state of the transfer. If the transfer fails because of incorrect FTP server information, you can modify the login settings and resend the images.


Configuring the Printer Driver for using Print2FTP Program


Open “Printing Preferences…” and select the “Start Application” tab. Check the “Enable Start Application” checkbox, and enter the path to the Print2FTP executable. The application uses 6 parameters: Document Name, Group File Name, Printer Name, Number of Pages, Multipage and Orientation.


Select the “Start After Printing” option and Print2FTP will start after printing, and transfer the generated files to your FTP.


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