Printing Options



Black Ice Printer Drivers offer a multitude of printing options inside the File Formats tab.
The user can configure how the output is handled, the output can be disabled or generated only in the memory. The printed pages can be manipulated, flipped and printed into separate files.

Save each page as separate file

Generate output in memory



Disable output file

Check the Disable output file option to disable the output file generation setting of the driver. This can be useful when the Generate Text Output option is checked for text output and the output file is not needed. As a result, the driver only generates a text file; no other output files are generated.


Unicode/Eastern char. support


When the Unicode/Eastern char. support option is checked, the driver will interpret the contents of strings printed using the TextOut function as two-byte glyph indexes.


Remove blank pages

If the Remove blank pages option is enabled, the Printer Driver will remove blank pages from the printed document.

If the document that is printed is a single blank page, there will be no output file generated by the printer driver.