The Printer Driver INI Files

The Black Ice printer drivers can be configured to use a developer defined group of settings at installation time by using the INI file associated with the driver.  Settings specified in the ini file will be used to configure the Black Ice printer driver at installation time as the default settings for any Black Ice printer driver user on the system.  To set the printer driver settings at install time a specific INI file can be used and modified to reflect the desired settings.  The INI file for each Black Ice printer driver is located by default in the "\Program Files\Black Ice Software LLC\Black Ice Color Printer Driver\Distribution" folder. (for the color driver for example)  The “Distribution” folder is installed with the Printer Driver.


The INI file name is:

BuCiniNT.ini             - for the Color driver

BuAiniNT.ini             - for the ColorPlus driver

BuEIniNT.ini             - for the EMF (metafile) driver

BuMIniNT.ini             - for the TIFF (monochrome) driver

BuPIniNT.ini             - for the PDF driver

BuCIniTS.ini             - for the Color Terminal Server driver

BuAIniTS.ini             - for the ColorPlus Terminal Server driver

BuEIniTS.ini             - for the EMF Terminal Server driver

BuMIniTS.ini             - for the TIFF Terminal Server driver

BuPIniTS.ini             - for the PDF Terminal Server driver


NOTE: In case of Demo OEM Printer Drivers the INI file names are different. The NT is replaced with ND, and the TS is replaced with TD. For example in case of ColorPlus OEM Demo: BuAiniND.ini for Desktop, and BuAiniTD.ini for Server.


The name of the INI file can be changed in the custom install packages. In your case you change the INI file name in the MSI project, you need to specify the new INI file name the same way as the driver name.


Copy the modified INI (which contains the settings of the printer) file into the following directories:


32 bit





64 bit




Modify the contents of this INI file to match your requirements.

Replace the INI file located in your installation project with the new modified INI file.

Rebuild the installation project to use the updated INI file.


If the printer driver does not find the INI file, which contains the modified printer settings, the default printer settings will be applied. The default printer settings are hard coded in the printer driver.


Any change to the INI file after installation will have no effect on the printer driver until the system is rebooted or clicked on the “Restore defaults” button on the bottom of the “Device Settings” Tab of the printer driver.


Description of the INI file values

INI file generation for OEM installer

Modifying the INI File and frequently used INI configurations

Hiding the tabs on the printer driver user Interface 

Configure the printer setting for all users using the INI file 

Barcode INI file configurations

Removing space after every text command in the generated text file 

Creating position and style entry for each word in the generated text file

Ignoring the application devmode when printing 

Ignoring the application DPI when printing 

Changing the name of the BiGroup.ini file 

Ignore Application Devmode

Creating group file in UNICODE file format

Adding padding characters to Bates numbering 

Compatibility Warning


How to validate an INI file with the printer drivers