Configuring the printer driver - BlackIceDEVMODE


The Black Ice printer driver can be configured through an API that modifies the Black Ice DEVMODE sections, that is the extension of the standard Windows DEMODE data structure. The API contains a C++ and C API and an ActiveX control or OCX for VB.NET and C# developers.  The API contains over 800 functions or methods. The API includes several samples to demonstrate the configuration of the printer driver’s most commonly used parameters such as Output directory.

Introducing the BlackIceDEVMODE

BlackIceDEVMODE Library Reference

Description of the DLL

How to use the BlackIceDEVMODE.dll

DLL Functions

BlackIceDEVMODE ActiveX Reference

Description of the OCX

How to use the BlackIceDEVMODE.ocx

OCX Methods

Changing Printer Driver Setting Before Printing

How printers store their settings on Windows