BlackIceDEVMODE Library Reference

The “BlackceDEVMODE.DLL” is an API to retrieve, modify and set the values of the printer driver’s DEVMODE. Configuring the values of the printer driver DEVMODE changes the parameters of the printer.


To use the Black Ice Printer DEVMODE structure, the project should contain the following preprocessor definitions:



The _UNICODE, UNICODE preprocessor definitions are not mandatory and legacy ANSI calling convention can be used with the BlackIceDEVMODE.dll. The _UNICODE and UNICODE preprocessor definitions can be omitted, if one only uses the functions of the BlackIceDEVMODE.dll, and if one only uses the BlackIceDEVMODE* pointers that are returned by the functions of the BlackIceDEVMODE.dll.


Without the _UNICODE, UNICODE preprocessor definitions, one cannot declare BlackIceDEVMODE structures or access directly the BlackIceDEVMODE structures or using with WinAPI functions to access the BlackIceDEVMODE structures. One can use the ANSI functions of the BlackIceDEVMODE.dll, even with or without UNICODE and _UNICODE defined, by calling the functions ending with “A”.

For Example:

UNICODE - SetFileNamePrefix

ANSI - SetFileNamePrefixA


To set the preprocessor definitions in your Visual C++ project :

open “Project -> Settings…” menu (the “Project Settings” dialog window will appear)

select the project setting configuration that you want to modify from the “Setting For” combo box. (for example: “Win32 Release”).

Click the “C/C++” tab control, choose “General” from the “Category” combo box. Add the following “Preprocessor definitions“ “_UNICODE, UNICODE, _WIN32_WINNT=0x0400”.


Next, click the “Link” tab control, select the “Output” item from the “Category” combo box, and write the ”wWinMainCRTStartup” string into the “Entry-point symbol” edit box.

When you are finished, click OK to close the “Project Settings“ dialog window.


File location:

<Auto-print SDK installation folder>\BlackIceDEVMODE


Description of the DLL

How to use the BlackIceDEVMODE.DLL

DLL Functions