The Release RTK’s have a new Install Shield 12 Driver Installation sample that demonstrates how to create an installation for your own printer driver. The main feature of this sample is that it shows you how to install a printer driver to a 64 bit operating system. The following sections describe how the install project uses the printer driver files delivered with the printer driver RTKs within the install sample directory. Following this description will help you to add your own printer driver file structure to the proper location in your installation.
The sample contains the printer driver files, manuals, readme files, and distribution information in the directory: <TARGETDIR>\Install\Install Shield project\[PRINTER TYPE]\Release\Driver Files
The support dll that is used during the installation is located in a different location than in previous Install Shield versions. The linked file is not stored in a secondary path anymore, the support dll is linked to it’s original destination. The sample uses MyDll_NT.dll, which is located in:
<TARGETDIR>\Install\Install Shield project\[PRINTER TYPE]\Release\Driver Files\MyDll_NT.dll
Add your support dll file in the install shield project section “Behavior and Logic\Support files\Language Independent”.
The splash screen bitmap is located at: <TARGETDIR>\Install\Install Shield project\[PRINTER TYPE]\Release\Setup Files\Uncompressed Files\Language Independent\OS Independent\Setup.bmp
The following section contains the printer files groups: “Organization\Setup Design”, or “Organization\Component” to group these files.
Launch the InstallShield project from the start menu:
Start Menu\Programs\Resource Toolkit for the Color Printer Driver for Vista\Sample Applications\Install Samples\InstallShield 12 Install Sample
Or you can launch the InstallShield project manually at: <TARGETDIR>\Install\Install Shield project\[PRINTER TYPE]\Release\[PRINTER TYPE] Driver NT user-level Setup.ism
To rebuild the install media use the menu command: Build\Build Release
You will find the rebuilt media in the following destination:
<TARGETDIR>\Install\Install Shield project\[PRINTER TYPE]\Release\Media\Release\Disk Images\Disk1
The following sections set the target operating systems, such as “Vista”, for your installation:
For the whole project Installation information\General Information\Project properties\Platforms
For a specific component Orangization\Components\[component name]\Operating Systems Orangization\Components\[component name]\Platform Suite(s)
For the media Media\Release\[Media name] Lunch Media Wizard (right mouse button) Platforms
The InstallShield sample for the printer demonstrates how to plan an install process, to prepare an installation package by collecting the necessary files, set registers for ActiveX controls, and create your own printer driver installation. |