Redirect Printing on Save As Dialog


If printer redirection is enabled, any document printed to the Black Ice Printer Driver is created in the specified output format, and the original document is passed through the redirected printer(s).

Redirect Settings

Prompt the user to select the printer during printing - Users can select a single or multiple printers for redirection during printing. If enabled, print jobs will not be redirected to the printers added to the "Selected Printers to Redirect" list.

Available Printers - The Available Printers list contains the printers that can be selected as redirect printers. These printers are the locally installed printers on the PC, and the shared printers through the network. Select a printer and click Add to add it to the redirected printers list.

Selected Printers to Redirect - The Selected Printers to Redirect list contains the printers that have been selected as redirected printers. These printers are not listed in the Available Printers list. To remove a redirected printer, select the printer and click Remove. Label printers can also be specified as redirected printers. Black Ice printer drivers can handle certain special paper sizes required by label printers. For more information on specifying paper sizes, refer to the Device Settings Tab section.

Scale to physical printable area or page

Scale printed pages to physical printable area: Scales the printed page down by the size of the physical margin of the target printer, so content that is very close to the edge of the page can still be printed and nothing will be cut off. This is the default setting.


Scale printed pages to physical page size: Scales the printed page to the physical size of the page, ignoring the target printer’s physical margins. This means the output will be the exact same size as when printing directly to the target printer. Content outside the physical margins of the target printer is cut off.

Enable redirect printing log - Enables or disables the log file generation specifically for redirected printing. File name and location can be specified with absolute path or environment variables.

NOTE: Select a place for the logs where all printer driver users have permission to write.