PDF Image File format


To navigate to the PDF Settings, go to the File Formats tab, select the PDF Image file format and click PDF settingsā€¦



Using compression reduces the size of the output file. Compression method uses a formula or algorithm to compress data. This algorithm determines the compression quality.


Compression can be either lossy (some information is permanently lost) or lossless (all information can be restored).


Black Ice Printer Drivers provide the following compression methods:


None - no compression algorithm is used.


Flate is a lossless compression method. Flate works well on images with large areas of single colors or repeating patterns.


Run Length Encoding (RLE) is also a lossless compression option that produces the best results for images that contain large areas of solid white or black.


JPEG is a lossy compression algorithm that has been conceived to reduce the file size of natural, photographic-like true-color images as much as possible without affecting the quality of the image as experienced by the human eye and nervous system. JPEG is suitable for grayscale or color images. Because JPEG eliminates data, it can achieve much smaller file sizes than other lossless compression methods.


CCITT Fax is also a lossless compression option. CCITT stands for International Coordinating Committee for Telephony and Telegraphy. CCITT Fax compression is the appropriate compression method for black-and-white images made by paint programs and any images     scanned with an image depth of 1 bit.