Compression options


Under the Compression tab the user can select the compression algorithm of the PDF/A document’s content. Using compression reduces the size of the output file. Compression method uses a formula or algorithm to compress data. This algorithm determines the compression quality.

A compression algorithm can be as simple as removing all extra-space characters, inserting a single repeat character to indicate a string of repeated characters, and substituting smaller bit strings for frequently occurring characters. Even this kind of compression can reduce a text file to 50% of its original size.

Compression can be either lossy (some information is permanently lost) or lossless (all information can be restored).


Black Ice Printer Drivers provide the following compression methods:

Stream Compression Filter- Compression type of the non-image streams.

Color Image Compression- Compression type of color image streams.

Quality- Quality of the JPEG compressed images (available values from 1 to 100, where 100 is the best quality).

Monochrome Image Compression- Compression types of black-and-white image streams.


Compression Methods

None- no compression algorithm is used.

Flateis a lossless compression method. Flate works well on images with large areas of single colors or repeating patterns.

Run Length Encoding (RLE)is also a lossless compression option that produces the best results for images that contain large areas of solid white or black.

CCITT Fax is also a lossless compression option. CCITT stands for International Coordinating Committee for Telephony and Telegraphy. CCITT Fax compression is the appropriate compression method for black-and-white images made by paint programs and any images scanned with an image depth of 1 bit.