Configuring Custom Document ID (Index) for Database Uploading


To print, convert and save documents into a database with a unique identifier, the Index/Document ID can be used. The Index/Document ID helps users to identify the documents in the database, or to reference a document and perform a post-action, once the document has been in the database.

The Index/Document ID can be configured through the Document ID format field.



The Document ID format field accepts letters, digits, dash (-), underscore (_) characters and the following predefined variables:



Predefined Variable



Document Name


User Name


Computer Name






Date and Time


Time with Millisec.


The predefined variables will be substituted during the printing process.


For example, if the configured Index/Document ID format is ID-{DOCNAME}

·         And printing a document named MyDocument995.PDF

·         Then the Index/Document ID in the database will beID-MyDocument995


Another example, if the configured Document ID format is ID-{DOCNAME}_{TIMEMS}, and we printing at 10/30/2019 15:30:11.222

·         And printing a document named MyDocument995.PDF

·         Then the Index/Document ID in the database will beID-MyDocument995_20191030153011222