
Sets the scaling mode for the redirect printing option. The currently available settings are the following:

·         Scale to printable area: scales the printed page down by the size of the physical margin of the target printer, so content very close to the edge of the page can still be printed and nothing will be cut off. This is the default setting.

·         Scale to physical page size: scales the printed page to the physical size of the page, ignoring the target printer’s physical margins. This means the output will be the exact same as when printing to a file. Content outside the physical margins of the target printer is cut off.


SetRedirectPrintingScalingMode (pBlackIceDEVMODE As Long, lScalingMode As Long) As Boolean


pBlackIceDEVMODE          - pointer to the BlackIceDEVMODE structure.

lScalingMode                       - The selected scaling mode. One of the following values:

            0: Scale to printable area

            1: Scale to physical page

Return value                         - True on success, otherwise false.