

Sets the Header font settings (to LOGFONT structure).

SetHeaderFont (pBlackIceDevmode As Long, lfHeight As Long, lfWidth As Long, lfEscapement As Long, lfOrientation As Long, lfWeight As Long, lfItalic As Integer, lfUnderline As Integer, lfStrikeOut As Integer, lfCharSet As Integer, lfOutPrecision As Integer, lfClipPrecision As Integer, lfQuality As Integer, lfPitchAndFamily As Integer, As String)  As Boolean


Input value                - Handle to the BlackIceDEVMODE structure

Input value                - Font Height

Input value                - Font width

Input value                - Font escapement

Input value                - Font orientation

Input value                - Font weight

Input value                - Font italic

Input value                - Font underline

Input value                - Font strike out

Input value                - Font character set

Input value                - Font out precision

Input value                - Font clip precision

Input value                - Font quality

Input value                - Font pitch and family

Input value                - Font face name

Return value             - TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.


NOTE: For 32-bit applications, use pDevMode as Integer, instead of Long.