Specifying the Messaging ID in the Message Capture Application

When starting the message capture, you must specify the Messaging Interface ID you wish to receive messages from.


Using the BLICECTR.DLL Message Capture DLL:


1.    Concatenate the Session ID to the name of the interface. The final name of the pipe should be set like this:
swprintf(szPipeName, L"\\\\.\\pipe\\%s%d", GetInterfaceName(lpDevMode), dwSessionId);

GetInterfaceName is a function of the BlackIceDEVMODE.dll, use it the same way you use GetSessionID (see the steps in the previous section)

2.    Call     WaitForPrnPipe

The first parameter of WaitForPrnPipe should be the string created in the previous step.


Using the BiPrnDrv.OCX Message Capture ActiveX Control:


When using the pipe interface with the StartCapture method of the BiPrnDrv.ocx ActiveX control, one has to take the following steps:


  1. Set      BiPrnDrv.SessionID property

  2. Call     BiPrnDrv.StartCapture

The second parameter of StartCapture should be 3