Print an Image with Annotations

If you have annotation objects on the image, you can print them. There are two ways to do it:

  1. Burn annotation objects to the page, and print the page. See Single and Multipage Printing section.

  2. You can print annotation objects without burning.




/* Print an image and annotations */


#include “BiPrint.h”


void CMyDoc::MyPrint()


         GPRINT  sPrint;

         DWORD     nPageCnt;


         // Set printig properties

         sPrint.bDisplay = 1;

         sPrint.bCenterVertImg = 0;

         sPrint.bCenterHorizImg = 0;

         sPrint.bScalePage = 1;

         sPrint.bUseDPI = 1;

         sPrint.nNumCopies = 1;

         sPrint.bConvertCtoB = 0;

         sPrint.bStretchPage = 0;

         sPrint.bAllPage = 1;


         // Prepares to print

         // 1. parameter (HWND): Handle to the window

         // 2. parameter (HDC): Printer DC. Can be NULL.

         // 3. parameter (LPGPRINT): Pointer to the print information structure

         // 4. parameter (LPSTR): Name of the file to print

         // 5. parameter (UINT): Number of pages in the document

         int ret = PrepareToPrint(AfxGetMainWnd()->m_hWnd, App->m_PrinterDC

                        ,&sPrint, szFileName, nImages);


         POINT ptDPI;

         LPPOINT lpPointDPI = NULL;



         if(lpbmi->biXPelsPerMeter && lpbmi->biYPelsPerMeter)


            ptDPI.x = (int)( (float)lpbmi->biXPelsPerMeter / 39.37 + 0.5 );

            ptDPI.y = (int)( (float)lpbmi->biYPelsPerMeter / 39.37 + 0.5 );

            lpPointDPI = &ptDPI;




         if (!ret)


            HBITMAP hBmp = ConvertDIBToBitmap(hDib);



                        HDC hDC1 = CreateDC("DISPLAY",NULL,NULL,NULL);

                        if (hDC1)


                                    HDC hDC = CreateCompatibleDC( hDC1 );                                                                         if (hDC)


                                                HGDIOBJ hOld;

                                                hOld = SelectObject( hDC, hBmp );


                                                AnnoObjDeselect(lAnno, NULL);;

                                                AnnoUIOnPaint( lAnno, hDC );



                                                HDIB hDb = ConvertBitmapToDIB(hBmp, NULL);



                                                            // Copy DPI value from hDib to hDb

                                                            CopyDibDPI( hDb, hDib );

                                                            // 1. parameter: Handle of the DIB

                                                            // 2. parameter: Image DPI

                                                            // 3. parameter: Scaling factor

                                                            // 4. parameter: Current Page number

                                                            // 5. parameter: A positive absolute offset in pixel

                                                            // on the X

                                                            // coordinate on the page to start printing.

                                                            // 6. parameter: A positive absolute offset in pixel

                                                            // on the Y

                                                            // coordinate on the page to start printing.

                                                            PrintDIBPage(hDb, lpPointDPI,


                                                            GlobalFree( hDb );


                                                DeleteDC( hDC );


                                    DeleteDC( hDC1 );










 ‘ Burn annotation objects

‘ Print the page


Private Sub Print()

         Dim PrintObj As Object

         ReDim sRect(4) As Long

         Dim ret As Long


         Set PrintObj = CreateObject("BIPRINT.BIPrintCtrl.1")

         sRect(0) = 1

         sRect(1) = 1

         sRect(2) = 1

         sRect(3) = 1


         ‘ 1. parameter: Window handle for dialog boxes

         ‘2. parameter: Capture text to print

         ‘ 3. parameter: maximum page number

         ‘ 4. parameter: Number of copies

         ‘ 5. parameter: Display print dialog box

         ‘ 6. parameter: Center image vertically

         ‘ 7. parameter: Center image horizontally

         ‘ 8. parameter: Scale image to fit proportionally

         ‘ 9. parameter: Convert bitmap to monochrome

         ‘ 10. parameter: Stretch bitmap

         ‘ 11. parameter: All pages

         ‘ 12. parameter: Use DPI settings

         ‘ 13. parameter: Display or not cancel printing dialog box

         ret = PrintObj.PrepareToPrint(hWnd, ImageName$, MaxPage&, 1, False, False,

                        False, True, False, False, True, True, False)


         ‘ Print all pages from a multipage file

         PrintObj.PrintDIBPage (hDib, sRect(0), nPic, 0, 0)



         Set PrintObj = Nothing

End Sub




// Burn annotation objects

// Print DIB

private void Print()


            int hDib = BiDisp.hDib;

            int hwnd = BiDisp.hWnd;

            int[] sRect;


            sRect = new int[4];

            sRect[0] = 1;

            sRect[1] = 1;

            sRect[2] = 1;

            sRect[3] = 1;


            if (PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters.Count > 0)


                        // Print the actual DIB

                        if (hDib != 0)


                                    // 1. parameter: Window handle for dialog boxes

                                    // 2. parameter: Capture text to print

                                    // 3. parameter: maximum page number

                                    // 4. parameter: Number of copies

                                    // 5. parameter: Display print dialog box

                                    // 6. parameter: Center image vertically

                                    // 7. parameter: Center image horizontally

                                    // 8. parameter: Scale image to fit proportionally

                                    // 9. parameter: Convert bitmap to monochrome

                                    // 10. parameter: Stretch bitmap

                                    // 11. parameter: All pages

                                    // 12. parameter: Use DPI settings

                                    // 13. parameter: Display or not cancel printing dialog box


                                    BiPrint.PrepareToPrint(hwnd, GetDocument().szFileName,

                                    maxPage, 1, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, false);

                                    BiPrint.PrintDIBPage(hDib, ref sRect[0], 1, 0, 0);






                        // Error

