Print a Region of an Image

You can print a region of an image in two steps:

  1. Crop an area from the DIB.

  2. Print the DIB.


For cropping see the Cropping an Image section. You can crop a rectangle from the DIB with the CropDIB function. This function retrieves the cropped DIB. And then you have to use the PrintDIBPage function to print the DIB. For details on the usage of the PrintDIBPage see the Single and Multipage Printing section.




#include “BiDib.h”

#include “BiPrint.h”


HDIB hDibCropped;


hDibCropped = CropDIB(hDib, 0, 0, 50, 50);


if (hDibCropped)

            // Print DIB





Dim hDibCropped As Long

Dim BiDIBobj as Object


Set BiDIBobj = CreateObject("BIDIB.BIDIBCtrl.1")


hDibCropped = BiDIBobj.CropDIB(hDib, 0, 0, 50, 50)


Set BIDIBObj = Nothing


If hDibCropped > 0 Then

            PrintCroppedImg (hDibCropped)

End If




int hDibCropped;


hDibCropped = BiDIB.CropDIB(hDib, 0, 0, 50, 50);


if (hDibCropped > 0)
