Get Number Of Pages


There are format specific functions and methods to retrieve the number of pages in an image file. For example: GetNumberOfImagesInTiffFile, GetNumberOfImagesInGifFile etc. There is a also a general function/method in BiDIB DLL/OCX, GetNumberOfImagesInFile.




/* Retrieving the number of pages in an image file*/


#include “BiDIB.h”


int iPages = GetNumberOfImagesInFile(“C:\\Images\\Test.tif”);




Retrieving the number of pages in an image file


Dim iPages As Long

Dim BiDIBobj as Object


Set BiDIBobj = CreateObject("BIDIB.BIDIBCtrl.1")


iPages = BiDIBobj.GetNumberOfImagesInFile _ (“C:\Images\Test.tif”)

Set BiDIBobj = Nothing




/* Retrieving the number of pages in an image file*/


int iPages;


iPages = BiDIB.GetNumberOfImagesInFile(“C:\\Images\\Test.tif”);