Display an Image

There are many functions or methods in Bidisp DLL or OCX to easily display a loaded image.




#include “BiDisp.h”

#include “BiTiff.h”


/* If you have a valid handle of a DIB to display, you can show the image on the

     specified DC */


// Load the image into DIB

BOOL CMyDoc::LoadImage(const char *pszPathName, UINT nImage)


         hDib = LoadTiffIntoDIB((LPSTR)pszPathName, nImage, FALSE);


         if (hDib)


                        POSITION            ps = GetFirstViewPosition();

                        RECT                    rOrigin;


                        SetRect(&rOrigin, 0, 0, 0, 0);

                        HWND hWnd = GetNextView(ps)->m_hWnd;


                        // sDisplay: DISPLAYSTRUCT (Display structure for paint, scroll)

                        // rScale: RECT (Rectangle for scaling the image on paint)

                        DisplayDIBStart(hWnd, hDib, &rOrigin, &rScale, DISP_SCALED |

                                    DISP_NEWDIB, &sDisplay);

                        return TRUE;


         return FALSE;



/* Redefine OnPaint function of the CView class */

void CMyView::OnPaint()



         CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting

         CMyDoc* pDoc = (CMyDoc*)GetDocument();


         // The function displays the image passed as DIB onto the device content

         DisplayDIBImageDC(dc.m_hDC, &pDoc->sDisplay);





Sub LoadImage(fileName As String)

         Dim BiTiffobj As Object

         Dim hdib As Long


         Set BiTiffobj = CreateObject("BITIFF.BITiffCtrl.1")

         hdib = BiTiffobj.LoadTiffIntoDIB(fileName, 0, 0)

         Set BiTiffobj = Nothing


         If hdib > 0 Then

            BiDisp.hdib = hdib

         End If

End Sub




private void LoadImage(string FileName)


         int hDib;


         hDib = BiTiff.LoadTiffIntoDIB(FileName, 0, false);

         if (hDib > 0)

            BiDisp.hDib = hDib;
