Color Promotion


Color Promotion is used to increase the number of bits per pixel.


For Monochrome to grayscale promotion, use on e of the following functions/methods:


ConvMonoDIBtoGrayscale (BiDIB.dll)

ConvertMonoDIBtoGrayscale (BiDIB.ocx)


For 8 bit to 24 bit promotion use the Convert8to24 function/method from the BiDIB DLL/OCX




/* Color Promotion*/


#include “BiDIB.h”


HDIB hDibNew;


/* 1. parameter: Handle of the DIB to convert */


hDibNew = Convert8to24(hDib);


if (!hDibNew)


            // Error





‘ Color Promotion


Dim BiDIBobj as Object

Dim hDibNew as Long


Set BiDIBobj = CreateObject("BIDIB.BIDIBCtrl.1")


‘ 1. parameter: Handle of the DIB to convert


hDibNew = BiDIBobj.Convert8to24(hDib)


Set BIDIBObj = Nothing


If hDibNew = 0 Then

            ‘ Error

End If




/* Color Promotion*/


int hDibNew;


/* 1. parameter: Handle of the DIB to convert */


hDibNew = BiImage.Convert8to24(hDib);


if (hDibNew == 0)


            // Error
