Checking the Black Ice Imaging Toolkit Version


There are several functions/methods to retrieve the version number of the DLL or ActiveX. For example: GetImageVersion (BiDIB), GetTiffVersion (BiTiff), GetBiFilterVersion (BiFilter).




/* Checking the Black Ice Imaging Toolkit version number*/


#include “BiDIB.h”


char szVersion[255];


/* 1. parameter: Handle of the DIB

   2. parameter: X coordinate of the pixel

   3. parameter: Y coordinate of the pixel

   4. parameter: Color value


GetImageVersion(szVersion, 255);




‘ Checking the Black Ice Imaging Toolkit version number


Dim szVersion as Strinf


Set BiDIBobj = CreateObject("BIDIB.BIDIBCtrl.1")


szVersion = BiDIBobj.GetImageVersion();


Set BiDIBobj = Nothing




/* Checking the Black Ice Imaging Toolkit version number*/


string szVersion;


szVersion = BiDIB.GetimageVersion();