Using the Auto-print VB.NET Sample


The Auto-print VB.NET sample processes every document from the Input folder and converts the files into Converted (Output) folder. The conversion process generates a detailed log file that can be used to monitor the conversion process and for troubleshooting the sample. The successful and failed document conversion will be registered in the Log file. The Log file can be opened any time in Notepad.


To configure the Auto-print VB.NET Sample log file name, edit Log file on the user interface or in the Auto Print VB.NET Sample.ini. The “Auto Print VB.NET Sample.ini” located in the directory <Auto-print SDK Installation folder>\<AutoPrint 32/64 bit>\Samples Directory.  If the “Auto Print VB.NET Sample.ini” contains an inaccessible or non-existing folder, the log file will be generated into the Root directory of Drive C:\


Example log file for a successful conversion:


05/14/15 01:32:29: Converted (Output) directory: <<USERPROFILE>>\Documents

05/14/15 01:32:29: Processed directory: C:\DocumentsToConvert\Processed

05/14/15 01:32:29: Failed directory: C:\DocumentsToConvert\Failed

05/14/15 01:32:29: Input directory: C:\DocumentsToConvert

05/14/15 01:32:29: Printing was started: C:\DocumentsToConvert\1.xls

05/14/15 01:32:32: Printing was successful. Output file: C:\Users\Tester\Documents\1.PDF

05/14/15 01:32:32: Printing was started: C:\DocumentsToConvert\2.bmp

05/14/15 01:32:32: Printing was successful. Output file: C:\Users\Tester\Documents\2.PDF

05/14/15 01:32:32: Printing was started: C:\DocumentsToConvert\3.doc

05/14/15 01:32:36: Printing was successful. Output file: C:\Users\Tester\Documents\3.PDF

05/14/15 01:32:36: Printing was started: C:\DocumentsToConvert\4.tif

05/14/15 01:32:39: Printing was successful. Output file: C:\Users\Tester\Documents\4.PDF

05/14/15 01:32:40: Finished printing